We take an ayurvedic approach to wellness, balancing body, mind, and spirit. Our therapeutic massage uses multiple modalities to reduce stress and anxiety while relaxing tired, sore, aching muscles. These techniques increase agility, reduce water retention, promote healthier digestion, and detoxification. Certified in Seitai Shiatsu, Thai massage, and Tui Na, these modalities are performed with client dressed on a floor mat or combined in therapeutic massage sessions. Our Aromatherapy Body Wraps detox, revitalize, nourish the skin and scalp, relax the body, and calm the mind. Along with spiritual healing journeys and nutrition coaching, you achieve your best self.

Therapeutic Massage
Uses a combination of techniques to relax & release chronic tension in fascia, muscles, & bones, restore correct anatomical musculoskeletal relationships, neuromuscular patterns, while increasing circulation of blood, lymph, & qi to release toxins. Relieves stress & balances energy.

Thai Massage
Working with Thai Zen lines, utilizes a series of presses and stretches to relax muscles, increase agility, balance, stress relief, and circulation of blood and lymph promoting the release of toxins. Performed with the client in loose clothing on a floor mat.

Seitai (lymphatic) Shiatsu
Working with TCM meridians, utilizes hand techniques to relieve obstruction of blood and lymph in the body, while boosting the immune system and promoting detoxification. Performed with the client in loose clothing on a floor mat.

Prenatal Massage
A nurturing massage specially designed to support the changing body of the mother-to-be. While nestled in support pillows thoughtful massage techniques relax away muscle aches & joint pain, reduce inflammation, and relieve stress bringing peaceful balance of body, mind, spirit.

Craniosacral Massage
Is a gentle, meditative form of bodywork that focuses on the bones of the head, spinal column, sacrum, and the underlying tissues to release Physical and metaphysical restrictions.

Hot Stone Massage
Water heated basalt stones are used with circulatory techniques combined with stationary placement on the body. This promotes pain relief, stress relief, increased joint flexibility, and better sleep.

Cupping Therapy
A traditional Eastern Medicine technique that uses various types of suction devices placed on the surface of the skin. Promotes blood circulation and cell activities, relieving pain and edema. Complimentary 15 minute add on or 30 minute targeted treatment available.

Aromatherapy Body Wrap
With this gentle therapeutic treatment, you are cocooned in a custom essential oil blend warmed wrap. While relaxing on a infrared PEMF mat that will assist with the absorption of the essential oils while realigning your energy, enjoy your choice of foot or scalp massage allowing your body to drift into complete relaxation, lifting your spirit, & awakening a peaceful balance of body, mind, spirit.

Spiritual Healing Journeys
Fall into a deep state of relaxation, altered state of consciousness through breathwork and guided meditation. Experience energy healing and chakra balancing combined with aromatherapy to bring harmony throughout body, mind, and spirit. This journey is completed with journaling and situational stress strategy planning to continue your care at home.

Nutrition Coaching
A comprehensive plan is built from thorough intake that includes all aspects of one’s health history, current concerns, & goals. Working with care partners to ensure a well balanced health regimen that is sustainable.
Mission Statement
To create balance & wellness throughout body, mind, & spirit.
We meet you where you are in your health journey through thorough intake and assessment. Whether you are seeking nutrition counseling and support, stress management, detoxification, or relaxation and rejuvenation, sessions are designed per client, to help you best reach your goals.